Addiction Solutions

COA Recovery Radio plays original recovery talk 24/7/365. Click the “Listen Now” button any time for fun & inspiration! Depending on the show, new episodes air weekly, twice-monthly or monthly. To listen to past shows On Demand, or to learn more about a show, click on its banner to visit its Show Page.


True Recovery is about feeling completely whole, healthy and well. In this show,
Health Coach Nancy Tilelli, CHHC, explores how recoverees can use holistic health
and other practices to experience deeper levels of mind/body/spirit connection.

To visit the “Wellness in Recovery” show page, click here.

New shows every Tuesday 7:30 – 8:30 pm EST.

To visit Nancy’s wellness coaching website, click here.

Emotional Sobriety with Andrew Finley

Andy Finley, a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist based in California, delves into the emotional issues related to recovery.

Terri  Thomas, a recoveree from co-dependency, talks with female recoverees from addiction, women with loved ones in recovery, female addiction professionals & leaders in the recovery community.

Michael Deleon is the producer of Kids are Dying and An American Epidemic, two highly acclaimed documentaries about drug addiction in the U.S. In “Solutions”, he talks with legislators, law enforcement, politicians, activists and addicts about how to fix the country’s drug problems.

To watch the trailer for An American Epidemic, click here

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